How to attend a Zoom Class

Registering for your class

You can use your current block bookings and class passes for virtual classes. Please make sure your email address is current and you have added my email address to your contacts list to ensure you receive the email. This allows you to receive a unique Zoom link for each online class you register for.

Signing up for a Zoom account

To attend a livestream class you will need to register for a Zoom account (this is free). To register go to and click on “Sign up for Free”. After you’ve registered you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom allowing you to complete your registration. You can then sign in to your Zoom account. This is all you need to do if you’re accessing from a PC or laptop. If you’re using another device, go to your app store and download the Zoom App.

Joining a Zoom class

The easiest way to join a Zoom class is to follow the link in your email invitation. If you’re using mobile or tablet the link will automatically launch your Zoom app. If you’re on PC or laptop the link will take you to the Zoom site, where you will be prompted to launch or download Zoom. The first time you use Zoom on a PC or laptop you may have to download it, so make sure you give yourself enough time before your first class to do this.

On following the email invitation link, if the class has started you will be taken directly into the meeting room. If the meeting room isn’t open yet you will be taken into the “waiting room” until the class starts.

Further information, if needed, is available here -

Preparing for your class


  • what’s the best way to set up my mat?
    It’s best if you can set up your mat at a diagonal from your screen, and a little way back, so the teacher can see you well

  • do I have to have my video switched on?
    It’s better if the teacher can see you during class to teach well, but not compulsory if prefer to keep it switched off

  • can I ask questions during class?
    It will be difficult to answer questions during class as all students will be on mute to avoid background disturbances, so questions are best asked either at the start of the class or end of the class where possible. If anyone has questions at the end of the class I’m happy to stay online to answer them with you

  • what if I lose my connection during the Zoom class?
    Depending on why your connection dropped out, you should be able to re-join using the same link when a reconnection is made

  • what if I have a poor Internet connection?
    Please see the section below on improving your Zoom experience


  • Use the best Internet connection you can - In general

    Plan ahead for Zoom meetings, and as often as possible, join Zoom meetings from a location where you can use a fast, reliable, wired Internet connection.

    • Wired connections are better than wireless (WiFi or cellular) connections

    • WiFi connections are better than cellular (3G/4G/LTE) connections

    • Mute your microphone when you're not speaking
      When your microphone is on, Zoom will devote part of your Internet connection to an audio stream for you, even if you are not speaking. Mute your microphone when you do not need it, and you will allow Zoom use your Internet connection more effectively.

    • Disable HD webcam video
      Sending high definition (HD) webcam video requires more bandwidth than sending non-HD. Disabling HD video will free up more of your Internet connection for other parts of your Zoom meeting. You should still be able to view the class in HD but you will broadcast a lower resolution video back to teacher (so this means you should still have a good quality video display but the teacher may not be able to see you so well). See: Disabling HD video in Zoom

    • It’s best if the teacher can see you, if you are OK with this, however if you’re experiencing connection difficulties switching your video off may be better than not connecting at all. You can still view video but you won’t broadcast your own video

    • Close other, unneeded applications on your computer
      Zoom meetings can demand significant memory and processing power from your computer. Closing other applications, ones you do not need during the session, will help Zoom run better.

    • Avoid other activities that will steal bandwidth.
      Don't start other bandwidth-intensive activities just before, or during, a Zoom meeting. On your Zoom device—and as much as possible, on other computers and devices that share your Internet connection—avoid: large downloads, large uploads, streaming video (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, YouTube), cloud file synchronizations (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox), other high-bandwidth activities

    • If the best Internet connection you have for Zoom is a slow one, such as a weak cellular data connection, let the teacher know ahead of time

      **Ref - tips from Improving Your Zoom Connection