mysore style ASHTANGA

Mysore Style is the heart of the Ashtanga Yoga practice, where tradition meets tailored growth. Guided by experienced teachers, you'll master the Ashtanga postures at your own pace, receiving personalized attention within a supportive group setting. It's a harmonious blend of collective energy and individualized guidance, nurturing your practice.

Experience the transformative journey of Mysore Ashtanga Yoga, where self-practice aligns with expert support. From your first posture, your teacher facilitates your seamless integration into this empowering practice.

Mysore welcomes practitioners of all levels, from beginners to seasoned yogis, in its inclusive environment.

For newcomers to yoga or Ashtanga, or those with health concerns, we recommend starting with a tailored introductory session. Reach out with any questions if you’re ready to begin your liberating practice journey with us.

beginners/returners ashtanga

The Beginners Ashtanga class is a nurturing introduction to Ashtanga Yoga. Ideal for those new to the practice, returning after a break, or anyone who would like to re-visit the fundamentals. This Ashtanga Vinyasa flow-style class gently guides you through the foundational postures, focusing on breath, drishti (gaze) and alignment.

Suitable for beginners and those with a little yoga experience. You do not need to be fit or flexible to join, however, a basic level of mobility is required for this class due to the Vinyasa nature. If you're eager to explore the potential of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, this class is for you.


The Primary Series Ashtanga class is a guided journey through the entire Primary Series. Led by your experienced teacher, this class invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythmic and meditative flow of Ashtanga Yoga.

Expect to move seamlessly through the series following the Sanskrit posture names and the classic five-breath count. This class fosters a deep sense of focus and presence on the mat. Breathe, flow, sweat, and harness the transformative power of this dynamic practice as you set yourself up for an energized weekend ahead.

Suitable for students with some Ashtanga experience up to half-primary, this class welcomes practitioners familiar with the basics of Ashtanga. Instruction and alternatives are provided where needed, ensuring accessibility for students of various levels.

Curious to learn more or ready to dive in? Reach out with any questions or to secure your spot in class.

Ashtanga gently

Discover the soothing side of Ashtanga Yoga in the Ashtanga Gently class. Embracing a softer approach, we seamlessly blend standing and finishing sequences with some more tranquil restorative postures.

In this class, we infuse traditional postures with a restorative touch, utilizing props and modifications for a slower, more mindful practice. Expect to explore classic Ashtanga poses from a rejuvenating perspective, as we prioritize relaxation and rejuvenation.

Occasionally, we'll incorporate non-traditional restoratives for added enjoyment and variety. Join us as we dive into this harmonious fusion of movement and restoration, cultivating balance and tranquillity on the mat.


“Yoga is simple, everything else is complicated” - Manju Jois

Ashtanga Yoga stands the test of time as a potent practice, its essence found in simplicity.

Yet, prepare to delve deep. If you seek yoga to infuse real meaning, depth, and change into your life, Ashtanga can help us on this transformative path if you care to embrace it. Practice, persistence, and patience become our guiding lights, revealing the fruits of our labour unfolding in a myriad of ways.

This dynamic yoga form challenges body and mind, especially when coupled with mindful breath awareness. The aftermath is not only the obvious benefits of physical exertion but the subtler benefits brought about through a deep sense of calm and mental clarity.

Ashtanga Yoga when combined with a holistic and healthy lifestyle can enhance cardiovascular health, stamina, strength, and flexibility. It can act as a detoxifying helper by cleansing and toning internal organs and the nervous system. With regular practice, the holistic benefits cascade, leaving you with a sustained sense of well-being long after you've rolled up your mat.

Ashtanga means eight limbs, as outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.  It consists of the following eight spiritual practices
the physical Asana being just one - 

  • Yama [moral codes]

  • Niyama [self-purification and study]

  • Asana [posture]

  • Pranayama [breath control]

  • Pratyahara [sense control]

  • Dharana [concentration]

  • Dhyana [meditation]

  • Samadhi [oneness, complete absorption or unity consciousness]

Please get in touch if you have any questions at all, or if you are curious about Ashtanga yoga but are unsure where to start. 
Everyone is welcome.

Now, the practice of yoga
Yoga Sutra 1.1
अथ योगानुशासनम्
atha yoga-anuśāsanam

Yoga is the mastery of the fluctuations of the mind
Yoga Sutra 1.2
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥२॥
yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ

Then you can see yourself for who you are
Yoga Sutra 1.3
 तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपे अवस्थानम् 
tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe-‘vasthānam

Otherwise we over-identify with the fluctations of the mind
Yoga Sutra 1.4
वणृत्तसारूप्यभ इ्तयत्र ॥ ४॥
vr̥tti sārūpyam-itaratra

Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
finding tranquillity within the challenges of worldly life